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What You Need To Know About RBS Certification Training

July 25, 2024
What You Need To Know About RBS Certification Training
Alcohol Service Certification Category Blog

Spider-Man is a well-known superhero, but his uncle is arguably more famous due to one of the proverbs he shared with the young web-slinger one time: 

“With great power comes great responsibility.” 

While this was uttered in a fictional world, it has real-world relevance for many of us today, especially when it comes to alcohol service.

If you're in a role that is responsible for on-premises alcohol service in California, you have the responsibility to obtain your Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) certification. 

Let's get into the specifics of who needs this certificate, why it’s important, its benefits and how to go about getting one.

Who Needs RBS Certification?

If you’re involved in the service of alcoholic beverages at an on-premises establishment, the RBS is mandated for you in California. This was introduced via a bill in 2017 and applies to all types of alcohol service professionals. This includes:

  • Bartenders: Individuals who prepare and serve alcoholic drinks at bars, restaurants, clubs, and other venues.
  • Servers: Waitstaff who take orders and serve alcoholic beverages to patrons at tables or counters.
  • Managers: Supervisors who oversee the operations of establishments that serve alcohol, or otherwise ensure compliance with alcohol service regulations.
  • Security personnel (e.g., bouncers): Staff responsible for maintaining order and checking IDs to prevent underage drinking.

Basically, if you are in any role that involves handling, serving or overseeing the service of alcohol, you are required to complete RBS training and obtain certification.

Why RBS Certification is Important

So, what is the primary goal of the RBS certification? Why is it needed? As mentioned by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the ultimate goal of the program is to “mitigate alcohol-related harm” in California communities. But there are other reasons. Here are some additional examples of why the RBS certification is important: 

  • Reducing alcohol-related incidents: From underage drinking to over-intoxication, there are several alcohol-related issues that can cause harm. Servers must be equipped with the knowledge to identify and handle these situations.
  • Compliance with state laws: California law mandates the RBS certification for alcohol servers, so compliance with this will help establishments avoid legal repercussions and maintain their licenses.
  • Enhancing public safety: RBS training promotes responsible beverage service, which contributes to safer communities and reduces risks associated with alcohol consumption.

There are other reasons why getting RBC certified is important (and some vary depending on the specific establishment), but these reasons alone are compelling enough in themselves.

How to Get an RBS Certification

The good news is that completing RBS training and getting certified these days is easier than ever before, thanks to companies like American Course Academy. Here are the steps involved with obtaining RBS certification in California:

  1. Enroll in an approved program. The training must be approved by the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). American Course Academy offers a comprehensive RBS training course that is approved by the ABC.
  2. Complete the training course. Training must be completed before registering in the RBS portal and scheduling the exam. This course covers various topics, from the effects of alcohol and techniques for checking IDs to strategies for recognizing intoxicated patrons and how to handle difficult situations.
  3. Pass the final exam. This will demonstrate your understanding of the material. The exam must be scheduled within 30 days of completing training.
  4. Receive your certification. Once you pass the exam, you’ll be able to immediately download your certificate and it’s valid for three years. You must renew the certification once it expires.

The Benefits of RBS Certification

Despite the fact it’s legally required, obtaining your RBS certification offers several benefits, both for individuals and establishments: Here are a few of them:

  1. Career advancement: For individuals, RBS certification can enhance your qualifications and open up new career opportunities within the hospitality industry. Employers are more likely to hire and promote individuals who are certified in responsible beverage service, so it could come down to you and another candidate who isn’t certified.
  2. Improved customer service: Trained servers are better equipped to handle a variety of situations, from checking IDs accurately to managing intoxicated patrons. This leads to a safer and more enjoyable experience for customers.
  3. Legal compliance and risk management: For establishments, having a team of certified servers helps ensure compliance with state laws and reduces the risk of legal issues. It also demonstrates a commitment to responsible alcohol service, which can improve the establishment's reputation and customer trust.

At the end of the day, if you’re in a role that involves serving alcohol, you should enroll in an RBS training course as soon as possible. The sooner you take that first step towards becoming a certified responsible beverage server, the sooner you can make a significant difference in the safety and well-being of your community. Enroll with American Course Academy today!

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