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Pest-Proofing Your Food Establishment

December 3, 2024
Pest-Proofing Your Food Establishment
Food Safety Environment Category Blog

Pests are a nuisance across the board. Hence the name “pest.” Whether it’s a home or business, property owners are routinely forced to deal with the near constant presence of pests. As many often say when confronted with persistent problems that universally affect people, “it is what it is.” 

However, that doesn’t mean you should give up. This is especially true when it comes to protecting your food establishment. Let’s look at a few practical ways to pest-proof your property

Keep it Clean!

Cleanliness is next to Godliness. It’s a common saying but it’s said for a reason. When it comes to keeping your food venue free of pests, it all starts with this simple rule: keep it clean. 

You and your staff should establish, or have already established, a regular cleaning schedule. There should also be a strong focus on the food preparation areas. Pests are attracted to where food is or was and are more susceptible to infestation. Be sure to pick up and dispose of crumbs, food spills and other debris that would quickly attract bugs and rodents. 

Sanitizing all surfaces is highly recommended. This should be done daily, if not more frequently. Some purposely choose to sanitize all surfaces at the start and end of the day and as needed throughout. 

Proper waste disposal is also a must. It doesn’t do one any good to clean up food scraps and then leave them in a bag by the back door. All garbage should be stored in an outside dumpster for collection. Don’t wait until the garbage inside is nearly overflowing. 

Be aware of litter around your property. Litter is a big pest magnet. Litter patrol should be a part of your routine. Food wrappers, empty food containers and scraps will bring the critters running to your back door. 

Also, train your employees to keep interior trash bins away from food storage and prep areas. This is an essential step toward keeping a more sanitized space in your food establishment.  

Batten Down the Hatches and Seal it Up

Have a closer look at all of the entry points in and around your food establishment. This list should include doors, windows and vents. Also, keep an eye out for any issues with interior and exterior walls. If there are any gaps or cracks, those pesky pests will find a way. 

If your doorways have wider gaps than normal then quick remedies are at hand. As an example, you can install door sweeps. Tight-fitting door sweeps mean that doors will be fully sealed. Weather stripping is also a good choice. Not only would it help to keep pests out but it would also have a positive effect on your heating and cooling bills.

When it comes to windows, be sure to keep them closed and, as needed, use screens to prevent insects from entering if they are opened. As for venting, a tight-fitting mesh should be placed on all vents and exhausts. 

Check Moisture and Humidity

Almost everyone knows that pests are attracted to moisture. This is particularly true of roaches and mosquitoes. Be on the lookout for any plumbing issues that might needlessly generate moisture in and around your property. Make sure that all faucets and refrigeration units are in good operating condition and leak-free. Don’t give rodents and pests an easy reason to linger. 

Humidity can also be checked by way of proper ventilation. Make sure that the heating and cooling units in your food establishment allow for good circulation. This is a big factor when it comes to preventing moisture buildup. 

Inspect Your Food Deliveries

Don’t randomly inspect your deliveries as a way of sample control. Inspect everything that is delivered! Food deliveries provide another easy way for pests to come into your food establishment. So, keep an eye out for signs that may include holes in the packaging, pest waste or any product that appears to be nibbled on or partially eaten. 

Perform Inspections and Hire a Pest Control Service

While it might seem redundant, redundancy is called for when it comes to the cleanliness and sanitation of your food establishment. This is why you or a professional should make a routine and thorough inspection of your property on a regular basis. This inspection should include a walk through of the property and diligent inspections of any places where pests can come and go. 

There are a number of easy traps to set in places that you might consider to be problematic. Consider sticky traps for insects and bait stations for rodents. Again, these traps should be placed and checked regularly. 

Also, hire a licensed pest control expert. A professional can help you to develop a customized plan to fight back against pests in your food establishment. A pro can also show you how to make use of non-toxic or organic pest control methods. This is an important approach when it comes to attacking pest problems in food preparation areas. If a pesticide is called for, it should only be applied by a pest control expert. 

Pest-Proofing 101

As an owner or manager of a food establishment you already know that pest control requires a very proactive response. It’s essential that cleanliness is maintained. Food surfaces must be sanitized and protected at all costs and waste should be properly managed and placed in an outside dumpster. 

Your hard work will pay off. A clean space is recognized by both health inspectors and patrons alike. Without taking the aforementioned precautions, you run the risk of attracting pests that carry diseases and pathogens that could ruin your menu and reputation. All the health department needs to do is check the wrong box and your battle needlessly becomes much more difficult. 

In a perfect world, there would be no pests but this is not that world. Pest-proofing your food establishment is not hard but it requires diligence and routine. Your menu, employees and patrons are all worth the daily fight.

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