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7 Risks Involved With Serving Alcohol

June 3, 2023
Risks of Serving Alcohol Category Blog Serving Alcohol Category Blog

“Everything in moderation.” That’s how the popular saying goes, but when alcohol is involved, many don’t know when to stop. This is why bartenders and those who serve alcohol actually have a lot of responsibility when it comes to protecting the safety of themselves, their patrons and their establishment. 

Alcohol service involves many risks, including legal ones. We'll cover seven of them in today’s article, as well as how an alcohol serving certification course can prepare you to handle them.

  1. Serving Minors

The most obvious risk is serving anyone who is under 21 years old. Fake identification cards abound and so many people look older than they really are. It’s difficult to know how to tell if someone is underage or not, but a TABC Certification Course can help you better identify and prevent serving alcohol to anyone who even looks under the age of 35. 

  1. An Unsafe Environment

Drinking makes people do questionable things, to be frank. As such, it’s important to control the amount of alcohol that people consume, at a certain point. But how do you know when it’s time to cut someone off or stop serving alcohol? A training course can give you the warning signs to watch for and best practices for adjusting to changes in the environment. 

  1. Serving Intoxicated People

Related to the risk above, you don’t want to serve alcohol to people who are already intoxicated and past their limits. (This is especially true if they are about to head home.) Like age, however, it can be difficult to tell when someone is intoxicated or not. Again, training will help you here by covering the signs and symptoms of a typical person who is overly intoxicated. 

  1. Third-Party Impact 

Another risk of serving alcohol is when someone who has been drinking injures another person or damages property. Who is legally liable in these cases? It’s a gray area most of the time, but you can continue to mitigate your risks by watching out for patrons who have had a little too much to drink.

  1. Serving Too Late

The later you serve alcohol in the night, the more you risk patrons driving home drunk. This is why there are often cutoff times at bars or sports venues, as these establishments have set times when they end. Proper alcohol serving training will help you avoid this mistake.

  1. Allergic Reactions

Drinks are becoming more and more complicated these days. As such, they include more elaborate presentations and often the inclusion of food elements. (Have you seen any pictures of Bloody Mary garnishes lately?) With that comes the risk of food allergy exposure and cross-contamination. Plus, more servers these days are being asked to take orders and serve food in addition to drinks. In these cases, a combination food handlers course and TABC certification course may be the best way to protect your customers.

  1. Losing Your Job

Finally, your establishment may be part of a club, or your company may have other requirements when it comes to serving alcohol. In these cases, you risk losing your job. Whether it’s serving non-members or violating company policy, a good alcohol serving course can teach you how to maintain compliance. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to alcohol serving best practices. To learn more, check out our TABC Certification Course and enroll today.

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