New Student Registration for Food Handlers Permit Utah

Enroll Form

Student Information

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Order Summary

Course Description Total
Food Hander Course
Course Name: Utah Food Handler Training
Health Department Fee
This course has an additional mandatory registration fee that is collected by us and paid to your local health department.
Course Language English
Order Total $6.99

Validation Questions

Throughout the course, you will be prompted to answer validation questions. The purpose is to confirm that you are the one actually taking the course. Any student that answers less than 70% of the validation questions will be required to start the course over.

What is your age group? *

Which pet do you prefer? *

What is the color of your eyes? *

What is or was your favorite subject in school? *

How many brother and sisters do you have? *

Which of your parents is older? *

Which is your favorite professional sport to watch? *

Which is your favorite season? *

If you could visit any state in the USA, which would you prefer? *

Test Title

A lo largo del curso, se te pedirá que respondas preguntas de validación. El propósito es confirmar que eres quien realmente está tomando el curso. Cualquier estudiante que responda menos del 70% de las preguntas de validación deberá comenzar el curso de nuevo.

¿En qué grupo de edad te encuentras? *

¿Qué mascota prefieres? *

¿De qué color son tus ojos? *

¿Cuál era tu materia favorita en la escuela? *

¿Cuántos hermanos y hermanas tienes? *

¿Cuál de tus padres es mayor? *

¿Cuál es tu deporte profesional favorito para ver? *

¿Cuál es tu estación favorita? *

Si pudieras visitar algún estado de Estados Unidos, ¿cuál preferirías? *


Order Summary

Course Description Total
{{Product Name}} ${{Price}}
Health Department Fee
This course has an additional mandatory registration fee that is collected by us and paid to your local health department.
Sub Total ${{Sub Total}}

Food Handler Certificate Delivery

Want an official hardcopy mailed to you?

ORDER TOTAL ${{Total}}