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Why TABC Certification is Important

March 24, 2024
Why TABC Certification Training is Important
TABC Certification Category Blog

Serving alcoholic drinks may seem fun, but it’s also very serious. As you know, when alcohol is involved, people and situations can sometimes get out of control. That is where TABC Seller-Server training comes in.

TABC Training Course

The alcohol awareness program educates servers about responsible alcohol serving and offers strategies for protecting yourself, guests, and other employees. Not knowing or following Texas law involving serving alcohol involves many risks. Failure to act responsibly could result in significant fines and imprisonment for you and the loss of your employer’s liquor license or business. That is why most employers require alcohol servers to obtain their TABC Certification by completing the TABC Seller-Server Training Course. The course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and confidence needed to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and intervene to prevent alcohol-related accidents or tragedies.

TABC Certification

Ultimately, you could be the one that makes a big difference in someone’s life. You could stop a guest from getting into their car and driving while under the influence or stop a guest from drinking to excess and hurting themselves or another either in your establishment or after they leave. While a TABC Certification to serve alcohol in Texas is not required, most responsible employers understand what is at stake and prefer to hire individuals who have successfully completed the TABC Seller-Server Training Course.


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