Alcohol Server Course
(on-premise server)


  • Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health (OSUMH) approved
  • Immediately download FREE Alcohol Server Permit Card
  • State exam required
  • FREE audio included
  • English or Spanish
Alcohol Server Course
(on-premise server) +
Food Handler Course


  • Bundle courses and save
  • Utah state and OSUMH approved
  • Immediately download FREE (on-premise server) Alcohol Server Permit Card and Food Handler Certificate Card
  • FREE audio included
  • English or Spanish
Food Handler Permit


  • Utah state-approved
  • Immediately download FREE food handler certificate card
  • State exam required
  • FREE audio included
  • English or Spanish

What is a E.A.S.Y. Alcohol Sales Certification?
(off-premise seller)

Our (off-premise) E.A.S.Y. Alcohol Sales Certification Course has been approved by the Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health (OSUMH). The state of Utah requires that every person who sells beer or who directly supervises the sale of beer, must complete an alcohol seller training course, such as this one, before they sell or supervise the sale of beer.

Once you complete the training course, you will receive your (off-premise) E.A.S.Y Alcohol Sales Permit Card. The permit confirms that you’ve completed the OSUMH approved (off-premise) E.A.S.Y Alcohol Sales Training Course covering the Utah laws applicable to the sale of alcoholic beverages.

Upon successful completion of our OSUMH approved online course, you can immediately download and print your FREE permit card which is valid for 3 years.

What is a Food Handler Permit?

A Food Handler Permit is an official document to show you’ve completed the Utah state-approved food handler course and testing. If you’re from another state outside of Utah, you may know this as food handler card, food handlers license, or food safety certificate.

Upon successful completion of our Utah state-approved online food handler course, you can immediately download and print your FREE food handler certificate which is valid for 30 days. Our office will then transmit your information to the local health department that you designate during registration. Once received, the local health department will mail the official Utah Food Handler Permit to your address.

All food handlers in Utah are required to have their food handler certificate within 14 days of employment and their food handler permit within 30 days of employment.

What is a Alcohol Server Certification?
(on-premise server)

Our (on-premise) Alcohol Server Certification Course has been approved by the Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health (OSUMH). The state of Utah requires that every person who serves alcohol in a restaurant, club, bar, or tavern, must complete an alcohol server training course, such as this one, within 30 days of employment.

Once you complete the training course, you will receive your (on-premise) Alcohol Server Permit Card. The permit confirms that you’ve completed the OSUMH approved (on-premise) Alcohol Server Training Course covering the Utah laws applicable to the service of alcoholic beverages to minors and intoxicated persons.

Upon successful completion of our OSUMH approved online course, you can immediately download and print your FREE permit card which is valid for 3 years.

Need Both a Alcohol Certification +
Food Handler Permit?

Not a problem. Our state-approved Alcohol and Food Handler Certification Courses are quick and easy. Bundle you Food Handler Course with either the (on-premise) Alcohol Server Course or the (off-premise) Alcohol Seller Course for a substantial discount and complete at our your pace. Simply use your mobile phone, tablet, or pc to complete anywhere you are. Getting your Alcohol Permit Card and Food Handler Certification at one low price has never been easier.

Learn More

Permit Card Online Utah Alcohol Server Certification

American Course Academy is an accredited provider of the online Utah Alcohol Sales Training Course, licensed by the Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health. Our company is proud to provide our comprehensive course online. Safe and responsible alcoholic beverage selling and serving by industry professionals, such as yourselves, play an important role in keeping our communities and families safe.

Great course! It was structured well and intuitive. I’ve served alcohol in other states but there are several nuances associated with Utah law which the course provided in detail. Super easy to get certified.

William Smith - West Jordan

Frequently Asked Questions

Go to FAQ page

Is your (on-premise) Alcohol Server course and Food Handler course approved by the state of Utah?

Yes, our (on-premise) Alcohol Server course and Food Handler course are both state-approved and accredited by the Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health (OSUMH).

Do I need an (on-premise) Alcohol Server Certificate?

Yes, Utah law requires mandatory training for servers who serve alcoholic beverages in restaurants, bars, banquets, public events, event permits, etc. The training must be completed prior to beginning work. The certification is valid for 3 years at which time it must be renewed.